Frequently Asked Questions

At this page you can find the answers to the most frequently asked questions. If you don't find the answer here, feel free to contact us directly at

General questions

We measure the social, economic and political "atmosphere" in the countries of Central Asia through applied and analytical research. Our activities include regular and ad hoc surveys, as well as a wide range of research projects of high public interest

The CAB survey covers all Central Asian countries: Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan.  

At the moment, the regular survey takes place twice a year - in spring and autumn

The core block of the survey remains constant from one wave to the other and covers topics such as international relations and international organisations, domestic politics, media, health, economy, security, migration, corruption and many others

We have an extensive network of partners in every Central Asian country who help us to collect data, as well as to produce and disseminate knowledge according to high scientific and ethical standards. If you are interested in partnering with CAB, please contact us

We are strongly committed the principles of academic freedom and the pursuit of academic excellence. CAB strictly adheres to the international WAPOR Code of Ethics research standards and is a member of the Global Barometer Survey Network


Data collected over 2 years ago are in the open access and available for download

Data that has been collected over the last 2 years can be purchased here. The purchase gives you access to databases, analytical and methodological reports, cross-tabulations and questionnaires.

The subscription gives you access to data from the two upcoming waves and around 15,000 interviews across Central Asia. If you subscribe, you will be sent a documentation package consisting of an analytical and methodological report, databases in different formats, cross-tabulations and questionnaires twice a year.

Methods of research

We use the following survey methods: personal "face-to-face" interviews  (PAPI, ­CAPI, TAPI), telephone interviews  (САТI), online research, in-depth interviews/expert interviews, focus-group discussions (FGD), desk research

The average sample size is 1000-2000 people from each country

Omnibus is a survey method of asking a small number of questions to a fairly large audience. We provide the opportunity to add your questions to the Omnibus survey twice a year and gain access to the views of an audience of 1,000 to 2,000 people across Central Asia.