Data Usage and Privacy Policy

Data usage and access policy

Central Asia Barometer offers a wide range of data on Central Asia that you can freely download and use. We release data sets for public use two years after the completion of fieldwork in the survey country. People and institutions interested in the early acquisition of data have the opportunity to purchase it post factum or subscribe to future waves results via our website.


Central Asia Barometer data is protected by copyright. Authors of any published work based on Central Asia Barometer data or papers are required to acknowledge the source, including, where applicable, citations to data sets posted on this website. Please acknowledge the copyright holders in all publications resulting from the use of CAB data by means of bibliographic citation in this form:

Central Asia Barometer Data, [Country(ies)], [Round(s)], [Year(s)], available at

We also request users to send/email copies of any publications, papers, or reports that cite/use Central Asia Barometer data to

Submissions welcomed

We encourage data users to submit analytic papers based on Central Asia Barometer data for possible publication as Central Asia Barometer working papers, policy papers, or dispatches.