World Values Survey

The World Values Survey (WVS) is an international research program devoted to the scientific and academic study of social, political, economic, religious, and cultural values of people in the world. The project’s goal is to assess which impact values stability or change over time has on the social, political, and economic development of countries and societies. The project grew out of the European Values Study and was started in 1981 by its Founder and first President (1981-2013) Professor Ronald Inglehart from the University of Michigan (USA) and his team, and since then has been operating in more than 120 world societies. The main research instrument of the project is a representative comparative social survey which is conducted globally every 5 years. Extensive geographical and thematic scope, free availability of survey data, and project findings for the broad public turned the WVS into one of the most authoritative and widely-used cross-national surveys in the social sciences. At the moment, WVS is the largest non-commercial cross-national empirical time-series investigation of human beliefs and values ever executed.

D3 Systems

D3 Systems, Inc. is a full-service market and social research company created in 1985, to provide design through analysis services to a US and international client group. D3 Systems led public opinion surveys for NGOs (such as The American Jewish Committee and The Asia Foundation) media outlets (ABC News, BBC), international organizations, and numerous DOD prime contractors.

UN Women

The United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women is a United Nations entity working for gender equality and the empowerment of women. UN Women advocates for the rights of women and girls and LGBTIQ+ rights and focuses on a wide array of issues, including violence against women and violence against LGBTIQ+ people.