Quantitative Research Methods

Public opinion polls

All polls are done on scales large enough to extrapolate the results on the general population. Usually, CAB uses sample sizes from 1000 to 2000 respondents. The research data is then registered, coded, and verified for errors, data gaps and inconsistencies. The clean data is then weighted by gender, age, nationality, region, and type of settlement.

Interviews are conducted with well-prepared and tested questionnaires. During the survey, field specialists keep records of successful interviews, refusals, and incomplete interviews.

CAPI (Computer-Assisted Personal Interview) or TAPI (Tablet-Assisted Personal Interview)

Conducting individual interviews with the use of a programmed questionnaire on a tablet helps avoid the many standard mistakes made by operators since the program automatically realizes complex transfers in the questionnaire and controls quotas. This positively distinguishes CAPI or TAPI from ordinary paper interviews (PAPI). Depending on the needs of the research project, the interviews can be conducted at the respondent’s house, workplace, or in a public place. Household selection is done through a systemized route method controlled by GPS.

СATI (Computer-Assisted Telephone Interview)

Phone interviews became even more popular with the Covid-19 pandemic and are widely used by CAB. CATI surveys are done under the control of a centralized automated system, which means interviews can be conducted not only from the CATI studio, but also from the operator’s home.

The computerized system used for CATI surveys has many advantages and helps avoid operator errors since it automatically transfers data and controls quotas. All discussions are recorded and checked during the interview and the quality control stages.

CAWI (Computer-Assisted Web Interview)

CAWI technology helps conduct almost any type of research survey quickly and effectively. This tool is gaining more and more popularity around the world thanks to the widespread use of the Internet.