CAB Logo Kasiet Ysmanova

Kasiet Ysmanova


Kasiet Ysmanova holds the position of Director at Central Asia Barometer, where she brings with her a wealth of experience garnered over 4 years of involvement in leading research initiatives throughout Central Asia. In her capacity, she oversees research teams across the entire spectrum of research activities, from initial planning and rigorous data quality assessments to precise sampling and comprehensive data analysis.

Kasiet's skill set extends to the development of research tools, the facilitation of researcher training programs, and the conduct of interviews and focus groups. She adeptly handles both quantitative and qualitative data analysis, and her reporting and briefing capabilities effectively distill complex findings into accessible insights.

 Beyond her role at Central Asia Barometer, Kasiet also serves as the national representative of the World Association for Public Opinion Research (WAPOR) in Kyrgyzstan,