Corruption within the Kyrgyz Public Procurement System Project in Partnership with the Soros Foundation-Kyrgyzstan (SFK)

Corruption in Kyrgyzstan's Public Procurement System is a project aimed at bringing together experts in public policy and public procurement to identify corruption risks in the public procurement system operated through the Public Procurement Portal (PPP) and further develop relevant recommendations. 

Using qualitative research methods, in particular in-depth expert interviews, Central Asia Barometer prepared an analytical report revealing corruption risks and common challenges related to the public procurement process.  The study focused on the first two stages of the public procurement process, the experience of the participants and the use of PPPs.

The project was carried out in partnership with the Soros Foundation-Kyrgyzstan (SFK). 

The report is available in Russian:

ЦАБ_Коррупция в системе гос.закупок..pdf