Central Asia Barometer Survey Wave 14

Countries: Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and Turkmenistan

Research DesignTelephone survey

The Central Asia Barometer Survey Wave 14 took place in November-October in Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and Turkmenistan.  

Field Dates (dd.mm.yyy):

  • Kazakhstan:      16.09.2023–23.11.2023
  • Kyrgyzstan:       13.09.2023–15.10.2023
  • Tajikistan:           25.09.2023–19.10.2023 
  • Uzbekistan:        04.09.2023–03.10.2023
  • Turkmenistan:  14.09.2023–05.10.2023

Sample Size:

  • 1500 in Kazakhstan
  • 1509 in Kyrgyzstan
  • 1500 in Tajikistan
  • 1508 in Uzbekistan
  • 1528 in Turkmenistan

Margins of error

Assuming a simple random sample, with p=0.5, at the 95% CI level,  the resulting sample sizes  in Kazakhstan / Kyrgyzstan / Uzbekistan and Tajikistan, as well as incorporated mean design effect, the margins of error (MOE) are as follows:

  • CAB OTS PPW8 Kazakhstan: 2.53%
  • CAB OTS PPW8 Kyrgyzstan: 2.52%
  • CAB OTS PPW8 Tajikistan: 2.53%
  • CAB OTS PPW8 Turkmenistan: 2.51%
  • CAB OTS PPW8 Uzbekistan: 2.53%

Questionnaire: CAB Survey Wave 14 Questionnaire.pdf

The survey includes the following topics:

  1. Domestic Politics: Exploring electoral preferences, political situations, government officials' job approval, security, trust in politicians and the government, and recent developments.

Sample questions

  • If national legislative elections were held this Sunday, for which political party would you be most likely to vote?

  • Since the 2021 constitutional changes to redistribute political power from Parliament to the President, have they been a very positive, somewhat positive, somewhat negative, or very negative change for Kyrgyzstan?

  1. International Politics: Analyzing attitudes toward foreign countries, leaders, organizations, Chinese projects, migration preferences, terrorism, and language studies.

 Sample questions

  • Do you think the situation in Ukraine will have a positive impact on our country, a negative impact, or no impact at all?

  • Thinking about other countries’ leaders, please tell me if you have a very favorable, somewhat favorable, somewhat unfavorable, or very unfavorable opinion of... (Vladimir Putin, Joe Biden,Xi Jinping,  Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Ali Khamenei)

  1. Economy: Addressing economic expectations, assessments of economic situations, access to basic necessities, attitudes toward unions, employment, corruption, and more

Sample questions

  • Would you say that you were very concerned, somewhat concerned, somewhat unconcerned, or very unconcerned with the high prices in our country?

  • What would you say is the most attractive country for labor migration for our country’s labor migrants?

  1. Environmental Issues: Gauging perceptions of government attention to the environment, ecological situations, climate change, and environmental problems.

Sample questions

  • How would you rate the overall ecological state in our country: very good, somewhat good, somewhat bad, or very bad?

  • What do you think is the main reason for climate change on our planet?

  1. Media Consumption: Exploring media usage, including state media, Russian media, the Internet, social media, newspapers, and radio.

Sample Questions

  • What would you say is your main source of news about what is going on in our country or outside of it? 

  • Now that I am going to name some countries for each one, can you please let me know if you watch media from that country (Russia/China/US/Iran/Turkey), either for news or for entertainment?

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us