Central Asia Barometer Survey Wave 13

Countries: Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan

Research DesignTelephone survey

The Central Asia Barometer Survey Wave 13 took place in April-May in Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and Turkmenistan.  

Field Dates (dd.mm.yyy):                                                                

  • Kazakhstan:25.04.2023–23.05.2023
  • Kyrgyzstan: 27.04.2023–28.05.2023
  • Tajikistan: 28.04.2023–23.05.2023
  • Uzbekistan: 27.04.2023–11.05.2023
  • Turkmenistan: 25.04.2023–11.05.2023

Sample Size: 

  • 1500 in Kazakhstan
  • 1513 in Kyrgyzstan
  • 1500 in Tajikistan
  • 1511 in Uzbekistan
  • 1514 in Turkmenistan

Margins of error

Assuming a simple random sample, with p=0.5, at the 95% CI level,  the resulting sample sizes  in Kazakhstan / Kyrgyzstan / Uzbekistan and Tajikistan, as well as incorporated mean design effect, the margins of error (MOE) are as follows:

  • CAB W12 Kazakhstan: 3.25%
  • CAB W12 Kyrgyzstan: 3.24%
  • CAB W12 Tajikistan: 2.70%
  • CAB W12 Turkmenistan: 3.49%
  • CAB W12 Uzbekistan: 2.85%

Questionnaire: CAB Survey Wave 13 Questionnaire.pdf

The survey includes the following topics:

  1. Domestic Politics: Exploring electoral preferences, political situations, government officials' job approval, security, trust in politicians and the government, and recent developments.

Sample questions

  • If national legislative elections were held this Sunday, for which political party would you be most likely to vote?

  • Since the 2021 constitutional changes to redistribute political power from Parliament to the President, have they been a very positive, somewhat positive, somewhat negative, or very negative change for Kyrgyzstan?

  1. International Politics: Analyzing attitudes toward foreign countries, leaders, organizations, Chinese projects, migration preferences, terrorism, and language studies.

 Sample questions

  • Do you think the situation in Ukraine will have a positive impact on our country, a negative impact, or no impact at all?

  • How concerned are you about the treatment of Muslims in China?

  1. Economy: Addressing economic expectations, assessments of economic situations, access to basic necessities, attitudes toward unions, employment, corruption, and more

Sample questions

  • Would you say that you were very concerned, somewhat concerned, somewhat unconcerned, or very unconcerned with high prices in our country?

  • What would you say is the most attractive country for labor migration for our country’s labor migrants?

  1. Environmental Issues: Gauging perceptions of government attention to the environment, ecological situations, climate change, and environmental problems.

Sample questions

  • How would you rate the overall ecological state in our country: very good, somewhat good, somewhat bad, or very bad?

  • What do you think is the main reason for climate change on our plane

  1. Media Consumption: Exploring media usage, including state media, Russian media, the Internet, social media, newspapers, and radio.

Sample Questions

  • What would you say is your main source of news about what is going on in our country/outside of it? 

  • Now I am going to name some countries for each one, can you please let me know if you watch media from that country (Russia/China/US/Iran/Turkey), either for news or for entertainment?

🌏 A Notable Inclusion
As with previous waves, Wave 13 addresses an important regional issue: public opinion in Central Asia regarding the war in Ukraine. What do the people of the region think about the conflict, who do they hold responsible, and what consequences do they see for their countries? All this was asked once again in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan! More than then, the current wave also includes questions about attitudes toward Russian migrants, who fled into Central Asia after mass mobilization in Russia.

If you have any questions, please, don't hesitate to contact us