
* This publication is one of the series of planned CAB publications based on the preliminary data of the first phase of the ongoing research project "United Central Asia. Obstacles, Opportunities, Prospects Project".
Soon, we'll post full data of this project in order to learn "which CA country would Kazakhstani and Uzbekistani choose for: living, studying, working, visiting?" and many other questions.
Aim It aims to identify obstacles, factors, and opportunities for improving cooperation and rapprochement between Central Asian countries through the prism of opinions and perceptions of citizens and experts in the region.
Methodology Phone polls in 4 Central Asian states with a sample size of 800 people per country. In-depth expert interviews on 5 topics important for regional relations in all 4 Central Asian states. 4 Focus group discussions in each 4 Central Asian state.
Important dates At the moment fieldwork in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan was finalized and CAB is processing and analyzing the data. In 2022, fieldwork will be conducted in Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. The project's first phase data including questionnaires, methods reports, analytical reports, transcripts, and datasets will be accessible to the public on our website within October 2021. The project results will be presented by CAB at its special online event by the end of October 2021 (TBC).
Funder First Phase of the project was sponsored by the Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung with funds from the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development of the Federal Republic of Germany. This publication or parts of it can be used by others for free as long as they provide a proper reference to the original publication. The content of the publication is the sole responsibility of the authors and doesn't necessarily reflect the position of RLS.